The snow has finally showed its face here at the stead. I am so glad I went to the store last evening. But it was so warm even with the snow coming down I ventured to the market to get some bread crackers, aged all natural cheddar, and some hot chocolate. I came back and went to work.
Spoke with my future SIL about some of his e-projects and suggested he go visit the new makerspace in Reno/Sparks near where they live. He reminds me a lot of me when I was young.. Maybe that is why my daughter likes him. I hope it all works out because he could join us and he could be a part of the new venture TechCommando.. Teaching people how to regain control of their tech, rather than contiuning to be a slave to it. Hope he will.
I am now on day 5 of running Spock and he is being very cooperative for an old machine with new life. Ubuntu 12.10 is a lifesend for this old Dell XPSM140.. 2gb of ram and a recycled 80gb ide hard drive. The wireless connection is an older g but it moves nicely even on the slower speeds.
I have also been playing with Tails by TOR running off of a 2 partition 16gb flash drive. Its a nice setup for someone whose HD has crashed and still needs an active machine. Same with the UBUNTU 12.1 on a bootable flash drive ..
I am working on some projects whereby I can pick up another Motorola Droid so I can create some simple how to videos and also to start adding more content on self-reliance on the DrMACStudios youtube channel. We shall see.
Podcast #116. “The Time Ecosystem, with Isabel Rucker”
March 7, 2025. My daughter Isabel Rucker had an art show on “The Time
Ecosystem“at the one-of-a-kind Larry Spring Museum in Fort Bragg,
California. Larr...
16 hours ago
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