the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday evening

Gathered my jar of stored seeds from last fall and picked out some French Breakfast radishes, sweet peas and a few other cool crops to get things going. I put up some pots and hanging basket onto the porch and added some fresh compost soil to them in preparation for some early spring gardening.

This evening I was enjoying a smoke and a few e-pages of the book I am reading on the iPad. I am reading Rudy Ruckers latest Turing and Burroughs a beat sci-fi novel.. I started it at the beginning of the week and I am entrenched in it. His writing is wonderful Uber geek and Beat.

Tonight we read..

Tomorrow we plant a few.

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