the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

garden update

Its been 3 days since the big hail and life is coming back in the garden. While most of the mature greens (spinach, collards) leaves are gone, there are signs of tender fresh leaves underneath which is giving me hope for recovery. The daisies and sage are coming back just fine as is the freshly planted Sunday morning lemon thyme.
The transplanted morning gloriy seedlings are coming back to life from the pelting. The corn stalks show no sign of wear ot turmoil.
No signs of life yet from the germinating nasturtiums, and camomile but its only been a few days..
I pray for recovery in Gods garden..

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