the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Monday, November 28, 2011

sunday at the stead

ham and beer.. need i say more.. shorts and tshirt for most of the day. And back to babylon today

Sunday, November 27, 2011

turkey week was a blast

After a hectic start turkey week turned into a blast. Sinec I am the oly one in the stead who likes the dark meat I broke down and bought a 6lb butterball turkey breast and a 10 pound ham already cooked and spiral cut. The turkey was slow roasted on a charcoal grill as were the collard greens. We also had mashed taters, sweet potatoes, celery and deviled eggs along with the other typical items. For dessert I picked up some pumpkin pie, pecan pie and a blueberry pear pie at the bakery. Washed all down with cokes and fresh water.
Went back to the lab on Friday and took junior with me. He enjoys playing with my toys down there. The bosses of Babylon brought donuts in the morning and brought in pizza for the lunch hour. Left at 330 and came home. The weekend has been good thus far. Eating leftovers and building junior a newer MAC for his frivolity and portability.
I did some laundry yesterday. 8 shirts and a pair of jeans. That is 2 weeks worth of clothes for ol Trash. Wasting water is high on my list of gripes in society. 1-2 showers a week per person is more than enough. I cant seem to get the girls on board but the water they waste is salvaged with the water by the water I dont waste.
Anyhow Black Friday came and went and dam cigarettes and tobacco are never on the list of items on sale. SO I did not buy anything. No need to. I will scavenge what others replace.. The Trash credo, "Living off of the excesses of others"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday morning stroll

It was 30 degrees and sunny this morning at the stead so i figured I would take a stroll over to the Wallie world. Its a nice walk thru the neighborhood and thry the nature area. When we moved here the wallie was not there and it was open area great for walking and enjoying the wildlife. I really enjoyed it then but I do still enjoy walking thru the area. It is so refreshing.
The weather this week is supposed to be in the 50s and 60s which will make the possibility of a smoked turkey and ham on the grill even more exciting. WHile Mrs T and the kids can make the other essentials in the house..

Friday, November 18, 2011

pics and paleo

2 things have gotten my attention this week.

1. Professional photographers are coming out about the wonders of the cameraphone. While I have used a gen 1 iphone as both and ipod and a still and video cam thans to many open source hacks for quite a number of years before I sold it off for profit and built another also for profit I am quite happy with the quality that comes from my 12 dollar samsung camera phone, Easily carried in my pants pocket and able to shoot quite discreetly. Another advantage is the bluetooth capability of being able to upload to my MBPro and PC without the needs for external cords. WHile I do sometimes miss the iphone I can always get another for 50 bucks and do it again if the need arises.

2. The latest craze in the Prepper community is this Paleo bullshit. Eat and survive on what the primitives dined on. WIld greens,raw fruits and veggies, fresh meat no milk and dairy. NO rice, wheat or white potatoes and def no junk food.. What a crock of crap. Reminds me of Euell Gibbons and his grape-nuts commercials from decades ago.. Pick off some bark and eat it raw. yumyum. F that.
Old Trash smokes cigars cigarettes, and assorted tobaccos, drinks booze and eats whatever he wants and lives quite niceley. As the good lord says Everything in moderation. WHile I am quite capable of growing, hunting and gathering food I am also a lover of fast food, cheap rye bread, fried taters and rooster sauce, homemade burritos, fried chicken, beer and whiskey, taco bell, Popeyes and all things greasy.
Anything that suggests we return to complete paleo ways should also mean roasting dead animal on the open fire, which is quite tasty. it also should mean living outdoors,using dead animal skins for clothes and blankets which would def piss of the PETA people. Sending our spouses ans kids out to gather veggies and greens from the parks which would prob piss off the guvt and of course have our wives at home in the cave and have our kids taught important things like how to survive rather than have the indoctrination centers we call schools fill their heads with useless dribble like the 3-rs. More to def piss off the guvt and social services.. hmmmm Maybe not a bad thing in the long run.. Whatcha all think...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

tuesday morning blahs

The weekend was work. Friday night the older boy brought a newer computer for junior and daddy got to spend the weekend juicing it up and adding more features. That was fun.
Went to the store a cuppla times for the missus and picked up some junque food and cokes and of course smokes. Sunday came and client/friend brought some pizza and wings for a nice Sunday brinner (combo brunch and dinner). The weather held up nicely as I was able to hang out in shorts and a sweatshirt all weekend.
This does not feel like November. Alas.
Went back to Babylon yesterday revived and was able to add some new stuff (music and podcast updates) to the antique ipod thanx to the replacement cable for the one that was snatched. Amen.
All good things come to those who persist.

Friday, November 11, 2011

armchair curmudgeon

As we get older we become solidified in our ways and change to the routine takes longer to accomplish. Old habits, once spontaneous, become a way of life. Daily routines are essential to keep the peace.
Why fix what is not broken. Get creative. Use what you have.
These are things our ancestors taught us. We must keep the notion alive. In this this post consumer society it is vital for survival. We need not give in to the pressure to conform. We must maintain our integrity in order to maintain our freedom.
Happy Friday

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Another advantage of early morning is being able to find videos like these 2 share..


time change woes

As I get older the time change to fall back is getting more and more of a PITA.. Normally my bio clock says go to bed between 9 and 10 and getup between 4 and 5. Of course with a usual 2AM call for the potty run. SInce Sunday the clock has been a bit off with me going to bed around 9 but waking up between 3 and 4 am wanting coffee and a smoke. Sad and I hope it adjusts. Howver on the positive side the extra time gives me an opp to work on my lab, converse with my friends on FB and post to the blog before heading off to Babylon
We picked up a new wireless router for the home lab. The old one recd some moisture damage and had to be be replaced. A Belkin wireless n with a 300mbps wireless rate, a gb WAN port and 5 100base t ports. It lived up to its ad from the very first time we plugged it in and reset the Comacast beast modem. wireless connection between 250 and 300 while the ethernet is still at 100.. Its working well. I am rebuilding the lab studio with newer technologies so videos should be coming again shortly just in time for the holidays.
I am also working on a potential outline for an ebook I want to self-publish called "How not to run an IT shop". With over 30 years in the biz I may have a few pointers I have learned over the years.
As for the garden it has been put to bed for the winter and we are adding compost material directly to the soil and digging it in to rot. This will take place until the ground here freezes whereby we will then convert to using the 30 gallon trash can for collection until spring. I brought the aloe and English lavendar into the house and the potted strawberry plants are hanging on the porch getting covered when we get the snow and cold. We shall see. As I said the house is the lab and we must OCCUPY it.
carpe diem

Saturday, November 5, 2011

ode to combat boots

Long and winding week in Bablyon so did not get much real work done. So the weekend will be busy after I get some rest. I went over to Army NAvy surplus this week and picked up a pair of surplus combat boots. Comfortable from the time you put em on and even comfier as you put miles on them. Well made and inexpensive. I spent about 15 minutes this morning cleanin the mud and muck from them due to the walk to Wallie world last evening to get some sodas and ice for the kids. I used to wear combat boots all the time as a yungin and was perverted to thinkin that yuppie shoes were better. I have never found a pair, other than the overpriced ugg boots that even compare to the old combat boots. Simplistic design, triple sewn leather and well designed tread.