While I did put together a video yesterday I also went for a stroll over to the Safie to peruse the day old bakery and just recently expired meats.. I am also noticing that with the influx of the Hispanic and Middle Eastern populations in our neck of the woods I am also seeing larger selections of cuts of meat and staples I had grown unaccustomed too. While I enjoy these delicasies I will also be expecting them to show up more in the sale rack and in the backdoor shop. yumyum
As for the backdoor shopping I was able to acquire some overripe blood oranges, a package of dates and some gourmet deli cheeses and brie that I can snack on ..
While inside I noticed the prices of the found items and when I arrived home I told Mrs T that I just spent about 30 bucks on gourmet cheeses.. She nearly hit me.
yumyum And the cost was free.. We enjoy dumpie finds..
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