the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Almost the weekend...

Went home last night and the spinach is wilting.. Too much sun and heat. MOved the flat into a different micr-climate in the stead and we shall see. This morning it looked a tad better.

The beans, lima and green are taking off as are the cukes. I cant wait for some good harvesting later on for next winter..
Still working on plans for the potential greenhouse/shed in the side yard that needs to get built. HOwever I need more free time and alot of free materials to accomplish this project.

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