the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Saturday, January 30, 2010

it's Potato time again

I took the older kid over to work this morning and went to check out the dumpies behind the SAfie.. I know I normally have good luck on Sundays but I was there so what the heck,, Nada, However I did step on into the Safie thru the front door and picked up 20 pounds of wonderful russets for $1.98. 99 cents a bag and no limit.. The sale goes thru tomorrow so I figure I will get another 3-4 bags before the sale goes off..
Trash loves dem taters..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

good deal on taters this weekend

I went over to Safeway this evening I got a great heads up for us CO preppers. 10 pound bags of russet potatoes are going to be 99 cents a bag, with no limit, this Saturday and Sunday only.. A good time to stock up.. I know several of my readers appreciated the news the last time I posted it so I thought I would post it as soon as I found out.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

HST tribute

Worked until about 830 last night on a computer for customer who had a mess to clean up. Viruses, Ad, MAl and bloaties. ALong with a never-cleaned out temp folder.. yuk yuk/ But he provided beer and even paid me for my work.. SO I cant complain.. extra money for the family wallet.
Came home and Mrs T had made shrimp pasta Primavera with salad and water.. yumyum.. Figured I deserved a treat so I downloaded the underground Hunter Thompson video anthology for the weekend viewing pleasure. It took about 3-4 hours to Download 4.5 gb of pure unadulterated Hunter Thompson//

Monday, January 25, 2010

this is a good video... check it out

MOnday morning blahs

bfast- oatmeal and jelly, coffee
lunch- peanut butter and cheese sandie, chips, water
dinner- smothered burritos with chili, salad, water

Long weekend and in pain this morning. Tweakes something in the back and it hurts again. Sign of getting older.. haha.
Anyhow re-watched Garbage Warrior and saw the Hunter Thompson documentary last night.. If you havent seen GW yet.. do see it.. How America (especially liberal New Mexico) continues to squelch innovation in dwelling building on your own land.. Amazing stuff. Ne'er do I think this was the intention of our forefathers. To dictate what we live in.. or how we live.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday again....

Just last Sunday I turned 50.. Today I feel 50.or older. The knees are pain and the lower back is hurting.. DAm. I took my usual Sunday morning dumpie trek and picked up a new PUMA hoodie for the kids that someone left at the neighborhood park yesterday. I then went a dumpieing behind the Safie and got some bagged greens, cole slaw, an orange and some grape tomatoes. Not a bad find. Def worth the exercise..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday meanderings

Finally got around to processing the photos from Bday 50. It was a joyous peaceful day. And all homemade gifts from recycled or found items, except for the tshirt. Just the way I like it

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I went home last evening with pipe in hand and flask in mouth.. a good mood. Had a beer when I got home which put me in a better mood. And to top it off wife made homemade Enchiladas and beans for supper.. Dam that woman can cook.. SO glad to have married her.
Anyhow woke up this morning to already made coffee and some polite conversation with the missus before dredging off to Babylon..
What a good day.
So far....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Exorcize that demon exercise.
You dont have to spend 100 a month to drive to a gym to exercize.. All you gotta do is go outside and walk, or dig, or shovel snow or ride a bike etc. There are literally thousands of things you de on an everyday basis that counts as exercize.
Trash smokes, drinks and eats all of those wonderful foods we arent supposed to, and loves them. NOt to be unfair I like the healthy, good for you stuff also.
But Trash walks about 3 miles a day, everyday. I also ride the bike when the ice hasnt taken over.. And I use public transportation. For you see normally I am not in a rush to get anywhere.
Slow down.. It take exercize to climb into dumpsters and wade thru the piles of freebies and stuff. You gotta dig them transplants up by hand to carry them to the trailer for replanting later.
What it takes is diligence and determination.. Much like prepping.. The longer you do it the easier it becomes.

Happy Wednesday.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trash turns 50

thanx R Crumb for bringin Mr Natural to us..
I used to think i had all the answers.. NOw I know i do.. haha
Anyhow didnt have the quesadillas last night. Had turkey and gravy with taters and veggies. yumyum. Did get an early bed time But am up early this morning.
coffee, smokes and personal ruminations about getting another decade older..

Saturday, January 16, 2010

relaxing Saturday

took a walk this morning over to Wallie for some kitty litter, dog food and a 12 pack of coke. Came back and have been relaxing most of the day. Got around to changing out a cracked window in the living room that I had had on my honey- do list forever. It really does make a difference. Napped a bit and now have a turkey breast in the stove for some turkey quesadillas and an early bed time..

a busy week in Babylon

Its been a long and tedious week in Babylon.. Too much to do and not enough time time to blog.. But alas it is the weekend and now there is time to do somew over coffeee and a few smokes.
The melt is taking place around the stead. i am beginning to see dirt out there. Went into Longmont on Tuesday on a scavenging mission for the missus. Thursday hit up Bubba Gumps for a pre-bday lunch with the elders and Friday spent a tad of time reminiscing about life in the downtown area. Before the move to the stead.
Anyhow its supposed to be in the 50s this weekend so the bike trailer will be put on back of dumpies bike and a way we will go. ON the weekend excursions..

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday morning video post

Whilst I enjoy sending along some videos for our weekend viewing pleasure this Sunday I am forwarding a site I found by chance that allows you to watch documentaries online.. some good stuff.
check it out here

Sunday morning reflections

coffee, smokes and toast with jam .
how i would prefer green eggs and ham.

took a walk last evening to take jr over to a bday party and was able to see the stars.. a brisk evening and the stars so nice.. brought back mems of thoreau at Walden pond. Walking, smoking the pipe and star gazing.. My kind of muti-tasking

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A warm up is on the way

After a week of blistery cold weather, it appears that we will spend the next week or so in the 50's during the day.. A nice little change and the warm weather will give me a chance to assess the homestead outside .NOthing in particular comes to mind but alas one never knows. Expect the unexpected. I have also begun the arduous task of deciding on what the garden will grow this year. More beds, some greatly enhanced soil and better seed quality means more opportunity to experiment.
Whilst it will be years before I can even come close to my friends at Path to Freedom, every year my garden grows.
Dont forget the compost?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

living in the yurt

Photo: Stuart Isett for The New York Times
check out this article and slideshow from the NYTimes.. some interesting stuff

baby its cold out there

-7 degrees right now. Kind of puts a damper on things.
However I took a walk over to the Wallie last evening to pick up a few things and came home to a nice dinner of homemade enchiladas with chicken, rice and water .. good stuff from Mrs T. Bedded down early as the weather made me sleep better. Cold weather equates to good sleep.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Simple Sunday

While the world goes around and around why not be like the bird in the above pic.Resting in the entanglement of the branches, content in his surroundings.
Reclaim Simple Sunday. Relax, Reflect Regain your sanity before the tribulations of the work week begin.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

passin this on

a buddy of mine online has made his e-book available online. It a sort of beginners guide to prepping for TEOTWAWKI. Some real good info for the beginner. Go grab a copy by clicking here.

best to stay put and ride it out

I read time and time again about wanting for a better place. LArger home, more land, more isolated. less crowded, etc etc etc.
In these time there aint no better place than whatcha got right now.
Make the best of it. grow what you can, invest in stuff that will make your life easier and more self-sufficient but most of all "live below your means". Be creative be diligent in your pursuits. But most of all
Have fun.
and dont forget the compost....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

funny it doesnt look much different than yesterday 2009. But alas. I have been taking some much needed time off from the blog in order to regroup, eat, drink and catch up on some of the movies and tv shows that elude me the rest of the year. Turner Classic Movies is a great channel for watching movies that are considered classics.
I have been enjoying the food and frolic of the holidays with the kids and enjoying the times. The kids are all loving their new wireless computers and are leaving the big machines alone for now. I still prefer the old desktop and crt hard wired in for speed.. But alas I also have my wireless devices when necessary. But then agai I have been around this stuff for almost 30 years now and I am still addicted.
As for 2010 my goals are simple.
1.Eat what I like,
2.smoke and drink to my hearts content.
3.Keep prepping (scavenging, dumpieing,backdoor shopping)
4.Grow more this year than last. Even one more pound makes a difference.
5. etc, etc etc.