the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

lets not forget the simple things

Sitting here this morning having coffee and a few smokes I am besieged with all of the ads and the propaganda the mill is putting out regarding the season of gluttony..
Lets not be gluttonous..But lets live comfortably on the excesses of others

This past weekend while dumpieing around the Safeiway I came across a box of kids tshirts that were tossed at the top of a dumpie.. I grabbed the box, stored it in the Jeepster and went on my way. In front of Safieway the church was picking up the expired bread for their food bank so I gave the box of shirts to the older ladies to give them out to the unfortunate kids.. As the bible says, If you have 2 coats give one away.. We dont need more tshirts. SOmeone else does

Behind the Safieway I got several blueberry quarts, bags of carrot sticks, several hot house tomatoes, bags of sprouts and other fresh delights.
IN the sale bin I also picked up a few packs of organic sausage and cold cuts that had just gone the sell by date.. These are a good deal since i can eat for 49 cents a pack what the consumer pays 5 bucks a pack for. They taste real good cut up with sauteed onions and sliced Jalapenos (also free finds).

Anyhow remember to share, keep building the compost pile and filling the pantry. Recycle the cans and tin and most of all Recycle and reuse.
Happy Wednesday.

PS a good source of cheap eats is available a the SAfieways.. All thos leftover turkeys are still at the $5.88- $9.88 price point ( no limit).. If ya got room in the deep freeze pick up a few.. Be prepared..

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