1. the $11 water bottle-- made out of stainless steel (YUK) the tast of metallic water.. I prefer the tough as nails Power- Ade plastic bottle with the labe removed and my own sticker added. It cost me $1.50 a year ago and it still works well. Goes into the bag, on the bike and into the office with nary a strange look.
2. $35 for a wire harvest basket-- Trash got a plastic one with a SAfieway logo on it from the dumpie for free. sturdier and can be bungied on the dumpiebike for hauling.
3. the assorted cotton bags ($8, $6, $4 and $3) If you dont mind having logos on your stuff, which I dont I got all the same bags for free from the dumpies for free. My large ones were from wholey foods, my lunch bag was from the boulder bolder (found in trashie trashie in Boulder), my mesh bags are old onion and orange bags found , some with fruit still in them in the trashie.
4. My favorite is the $49 counter top composter.. Does anyone remember tin and plastic coffee cans.. I do and I use them for compst collection and trasferrance to the heap. Spending $50 on something to move rot around is downright silly..
What do you guys think.These are only a few absurdities that I see.
hi trash, I'm a diver too and yes some of these things are silly but there is a health reason people are buying the aluminum bottles (which are ceramic lined). There have been studies that show that the plastics that most water and sport drink bottles are made of degrade over time and leach chemicals that mimic hormones into the liquid when you use it again and again. The ceramic lining or plain aluminum or glass doesn't do that so it is considered safer. That's why there's even a movement to go back to glass baby bottles.
But ya the bags are silly.
plain aluminum or stainless still leave a metallic taste to the water.
I was raised on glass baby bottles without incident. My children wer all nursed so we didnt use them plastic ones with the liners.
But $11 for one.. seems a tad overdone.
thanx for stopping by.
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