the Trash vitae

Trash is the editor-in-chief of an independent Colorado micro-publisher/ design studio. I dabble in digital photography, the lost art of film image making, and guerilla digital video. DrMAC Studios specializes in books and videos on self-reliance, gardening, dumpster diving, urban foraging and living off the excesses of others.
This blog documents my daily experiences with the rest of the world

Friday, May 5, 2017

Another week coming to an end

Settling in to the basement for the second week. I refuse to get comfortable as I want to hit the road ASAP,

The 5th wheel hitch has been ordered and should be at the installer next week.  Step 2 complete.

Mrs T has been watching YouTube videos regarding RV life.  She is learning a lot and I am glad she is taking a serious interest in learning all the information and how to deal with potential crises that undoubtedly will occur.

Meanwhile I have been dealing with day time job and finding myself growing even less content with the scenario. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is a tad scary.  We grow comfortable in the habit of work and home. What happens when home takes precedent over work. The freedom it offers.

Along with the freedom comes the inevitable opportunity cost of not having the job paycheck to count on. Having to resell myself as an independent contractor on a full time basis is rough.. For as we all know a steadty stream of income is essential when on the road. Unless of course you married well or are a trust fund baby.. We arent.

We are two over the middle aged barrier lower class hermits venturing out on the open road in our truck and 5th wheel.  To ride into the sunset before the good lord takes us home. I pray every night that we are making the right choice. For there is no turning back. 

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