Ever since i found the old tablet that can be used for watching movies, writing short letters, surfin the net and reading books I have been looking for good programs. When I started the endeavor I downloaded the kindle app for MAC and it worked ok on my MAC for Kindle file extensions. However not all of the ebooks I want come in MOBI so i needed something else which would also work on the tablet. ROaming around the internet in the open source realm I found the ebook reader FBReader which is like the VLC for ebooks. It will recognize all extensions and read them nicely. And most of all its at Trashs favorite price free. I tested it out when reading the Keith Richards Autbio and I am using it to readt the New Steve Jobs Bio that was released yesterday and already avaiable in the library.. major score. SO now in one unit in my commuter bag I can surf, watch movies and videos and read the latest books. SOnds like the beginning of a nice fall/winter
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