More and more I see stories being written for the yuppies to live green. Eco-friendly designers, etc. Bullshit. We get our clothes from the dumpies. Most of my tshirts have been free shwag from a certain computer company whose fruit symbol is everywhere. Our shoes come from garage sales or free boxes and occasionally from the Wallie World markdown trays. Even our jackets and winter coats are found.. Truly living off the excesses of others.
Food and shelter can be acquired cheap or free. I have done many posts on foraging and growing your own as well as backdoor shopping (freeganism). Shelter for most of us with families must be paid for. However suitable shelter can be had for low cost. MObile homes are wonderful alternatives. Low cost and low footprint.
Electric cars and electric transport are another fabrication. Walking or riding a bicycle will suffice. For travel public transport is essential.Besides if the grid does go down your electric vehicle better be big enough to live in. Cause it aint goin anywhere without power.
There is so much waste in this country. Green living requires only initiative and creativity to succeed. Do your part and don't buy into the hype that is sold to you.
England with Barb
Early in 2024 I started spending time with Barb Ash, who I met in the Los
Gatos Coffee Roasting. At this point it would be safe to say that she’s my
7 months ago