Being that I was on the dumpie bike and had to be particular what I rescued I grabbe a cuppla grape vines (still in pretty good shape) for $4 each (regularly $20 ea) and planted them in the baskets of the dumpiebike and rode home. The grapes may not be good this year as its a tad late in the season but the leaves will be good for stuffed grape leaves at the very least.
On the way back I saw a cuppla signs for a moving sale so I dropped off the grapes , grabbed a refill on my coffee and rode over to see what kind of deals I could find. Got a pair of jeans (Levis- Strauss) in one size bigger than my usual for $2 and a tamale/ corn pot with canning attachments for another $2. Also picked up the SUnday paper that was laying in front of an empty house (victim of a foreclosure as the notice was on the front door) .
All in all a successful SUnday morning